By Tom Bryan
EPM Talks with Ethanol Industry Consultant Mark Yancey
Permeate Refining Acquired by Xethanol Corp., Small Sugar and Starch Waste-to-Ethanol Plant to be Site of New MSW Venture
By Jessica Williams
National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Pilot Plant to hold September Grand Opening
By Jessica Williams
Sens. Daschle, Talent Address Industry Via Sattelite
By Kathy Bryan
Markham, Shurson Take Part in Panel Discussion
Government and private industry are working with U.S. ethanol producers to develop biorefining processes that take grain and biomass further than ever before. Will these new high-value products transform the way we think about ethanol production?
By Tom Bryan
Most startups are installing new machines, but purchasing second-hand decanter centrifuges is a technology sacrifice some ethanol producers are willing to shoulder. Several U.S. dealers and brokers offer a variety of used and reconditioned decanter centrifuges. EPM explores the pros and cons of this option.
By Bibb Swain-President & CEO, Delta-T Corp.
Calculating Ethanol Yield