By Mike Bryan
Williams Bio-Energy president was the longest-serving RFA chair
Researchers, pilots and private industry representatives address the pros and cons of AGE85 at Ethanol In Aviation Conference
Farmers may lead ethanol movement in Ukraine as government looks to develop both domestic markets, export markets to EU nations
Lurgi PSI nears completion of 40 mmgy Adkins Energy LLCnear Lena, Illinois, Experienced partners drive success of the project
By Mike LoCascio U.S. Water Services/Utility Chemical
Procedure capitalizes on extrusion to add value to dry-milling process, reducing energy input, reducing VOCs, enhancing nutritional valueof the DDGS through co-extruding with oil seeds
By Mark Ruth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Conceptual design and costs based on a 2010 plant start-up date of 69 mmgy biomass-to-ethanol plant, calculated total project investment is $198 million
By William Bennett, Wittcold Systems
Market conditions, capital equipment, operating costs determine whether CO2 recovery and purification plant investment makes sense