By Tom Buis
By Robert Vierhout
By Bill Kubecka
By Porter J. Martin and Gregory J. Lynch
By Susanne Retka Schill
By Mike Bryan
By Bob Dinneen
By Rona Johnson
By Phil Hutton
By Karen G. Schanfield and Richard A. Ross
By Ron Kotrba
By Gary D. Colby
By Steven Ross
By Kris Bevill
Sparsely populated North Dakota leads the U.S. in blender pumps.
By Holly Jessen
Ethanol has big fans in the racing crowd and they are revving up its use.
By Kris Bevill
Propel Fuels aggressively addresses California's dire need for infrastructure.
By Kris Bevill
Diversification and unification were underlying themes at the annual Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit.
By Holly Jessen
The Edison2 team abandoned electric car technology to meet the requirements of the X Prize with a super light, super efficient E85-optimized car—and won.
Multiple studies tout the potential of energy crops to contribute to a fossil fuel-free lifestyle. But barriers block the path in most countries treading it.
By Lisa Gibson
Planting energy crops on marginal lands could offer landowners a way to supplement current yields, and multiple ongoing tests seek to determine just how viable the practice could be.
Established by a family-owned greenhouse vegetable business, New Energy Farms plans to wear several hats in the global miscanthus energy market.
By Bryan Sims
Clean diesel technology greatly improves efficiency and emissions profiles of compression-ignition power
By Erin Voegele
How biodiesel makes a good thing—diesel-electric hybrid technology—even better
By Luke Geiver
How the EVX Hybrid team from West Philly High School does biodiesel
A methodical approach ensures safety issues are considered and multiple hazards are accounted for.
By Peter Dominici
With external factors looking unfavorable, producers should look to internal variables.
By Stephen Bucciarelli & Melanie Paterack
Avian infestations can create safety and health hazards, affecting ethanol plant revenue.
By Daniel Simon and Tom Kimmerer
The redesigned Biomass Crop Assistance Program may have some shortcomings when it comes to funding and longevity, but it still provides significant opportunities for making new biomass materials economically viable for energy production.
By Mike Schmidt
Harvesting woody biomass is “preventive medicine” for our forests and just what the doctor ordered for timber-dependent communities.
By John Chandler Sr.
Understanding and preventing biodiesel-related filter blocking issues
By Debbie Belanger
A new study demonstrates that biodiesel produced from Canadian canola reduces life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions by 90 percent compared to fossil diesel
By Rahul Bobbili
How Jatro Super, a new biodiesel process from Jatrodiesel, addresses shortfalls of conventional methyl ester refining