
Future Producers Directory

American Energy Enterprises Inc.

Biofuels development and production company utilizing cellulosic biomass and other materials to produce commercial products and including Ethanol, Butenol, Biodiesel, BioJet Aviation Fuels and byproducts.

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Dexter Renewable Energy LLC

The company seeks to address the soaring domestic and international demand for Ethanol, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Bio-Diesel and other high-quality Cellulosic & Corn-based products for animal and human consumption. Using modern technology our third-generation ethanol/food processing facilities along with CO2 Sequestration we will provide us with the lowest Carbon Index Number in the industry. A sustainable Net Zero GHG Protocol Compliant Emissions facility.

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M/s. SLB Ethanol Private Limited

We introduce ourselves as SLB Ethanol Private Limited, an upcoming 200 KLPD Ethanol manufacturing industry in SIPCOT Industrial Estate, Thervoy Kandigai Village, Gummipoondi Taluk, Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu. This is one of the first state-of-the-art Plant to produce Ethanol from Rice or Corn Grains. Our Industry has a unique facility to use any raw material to produce Ethanol - right from Rice, Maize, Corns to leafy Vegetables. The Plant will have a 5.3 MW coal-fired Thermal Co-generation Power Plant for captive consumption within the same premises. The plant will commence Trial production from Mid of April 2024 and Commercial production from May 2024. SLB Ethanol Private Limited is the first plant to be commissioned in the State, so there is an advantage of early entry in this field. The Plant will have zero waste and other high value by-products like CO2, Fly Ash, High Protein Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles (DDGS).

Sugar Valley Energy, LLC

Sugar Valley Energy, LLC is a forthcoming project wholly owned by California Ethanol & Power, LLC (CE+P). CE+P is a development company that intends to develop, construct, operate and own numerous facilities that will convert locally grown sugarcane into Essential EthanolTM, a sustainable, renewable and extremely low carbon transportation fuel that will assist California in meeting its groundbreaking AB32 requirements. CE+P is committed to employing processes and equipment that are both commercially proven and financeable, while also meeting California™ stringent environmental regulations. For more information, visit

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