
June 2014

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Business Briefs

Den Herder

Business Briefs

By Staff


Ron Lamberty

Do These Regulations Make My Fuel Look Fat?

By Ron Lamberty



Some ethanol producers are capturing renewable identification numbers (RINs) and promoting higher ethanol blends.

Ethanol producers talk about the advantages of leveraging benchmarking data for a competitive edge.

A closer look at the organizations that speak for Hoosier corn growers in Indiana. Meet two staff members and two farmer board members.

Jeff Hove, vice president of RINAlliance, talks about the complex world of RFS compliance and RIN management.

Guardian Energy's vision statement speaks to how the farmer-owned philosophy is applied in a maturing industry.

Safety is a joint effort that the supplier, designer and owner of a biogas system should be vested in.

Personnel working at commercial or industrial biomass heating plants should be mindful of everyday hazards.

Koda Energy in Shakopee, Minn., is equipped with novel fire and spark detection and suppression equipment.

Hampering Hazards

By Chris Hanson

Explosion suppression, spark detection and extinguishing technology help stave off dust explosions at biomass power plants.


Knowing how the supply and cost of natural gas will affect a company's operations is key to planning and weathering curtailment.

Decisions are better informed and more reliable when volatility is accounted for in a consistent, documented manner.

An inside look at solving the challenge of stabilizing samples and developing a new test methodology.


Sugar beets as an advanced biofuel feedstock has North Dakota scientists researching outside of the box.

Countries around the globe are combining efforts to develop robust safety standards for pelletized biofuels.

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