By Susanne Retka Schill
By Clinton Baker
By Robert Vierhout
By Mike Bryan
By Bob Dinneen
By Charles R. Hurburgh
By Rona Johnson
By Bob Cleaves
By Ron Kotrba
By Chris Layton
By Holly Jessen
President Obama's April 28 visit to the Poet Biorefining plant in Macon, Mo., wasn't just good news for one ethanol producer. Many believe the whole industry can glean hope from that event.
By Holly Jessen and Luke Geiver
The North American ethanol industry has had its share of bumps in the road, yet a dozen plants came online the past year, a handful are still under construction and some intriguing projects are proposed.
By Anna Austin
EPM reviews the status of U.S. cellulosic ethanol projects.
By Holly Jessen
Anyone working in the ethanol industry has heard the joke about drinking their work. For a few, however, ethanol for human consumption is no laughing matter.
By Luke Geiver
A team of engine developers from Ricardo Inc. has downsized a standard engine using ethanol-infused technology. The result: a smaller engine with huge gains.
By Luke Geiver
For ethanol plants in financial distress, the way out can seem almost impossible, but several plants this year have negotiated a path through reorganization.
By Luke Geiver and Holly Jessen
EPM takes a look at international developments with a special focus on Brazil.
By Anna Austin
As the chief lobbyist for the Advanced Biofuels Association, Michael McAdams advocates for many different technologies, pathways and products, which are all seeking federal support to help get a foot in the door of the fuel market.
By Lisa Gibson
ClearFuels and Rentech are integrating their technologies for a demonstration facility that will produce drop-in renewable fuels, one of several developments taking shape in the advanced biofuels industry.
By Lisa Gibson
A team of researchers has developed a high-temperature catalyst biomass gasification system they say can double the amount of biofuel that can be produced with an acre of biomass, and with no char byproduct.
By Ron Kotrba
Funded in part by Natural Resources Canada's National Renewable Diesel Demonstration Initiative, forest research institute FPInnovations just completed a multiphase investigation looking at the performance of biodiesel blends in various off-road applications.
By David Ayers
Industrial fires and explosions represent only six percent of all fires but can have lasting effects on employees and businesses. The key to fire prevention is to follow the plant's hot work permit system and proper coordination.
Captured CO2 from the fermentation process can be used for pH control in cooling water, reducing scale formation.
A systematic approach incorporating operating history with financial and statistical methods helps in forecasting liquidity needs in volatile markets.
By Frances Williams
Feedstock sharing, cost savings and regulatory compliance are among the benefits in co-location.
By Ryan Johnston
Anaerobic digestion is an effective system to treat waste streams and produce renewable energy for ethanol plants.
The University of Missouri is creating initiatives to help develop biomass market in the state.