
September 2011

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Business Briefs

1. Material Handler: Carl Swisher has a strong knowledge of the elevator bucket business, which he’ll bring to his new position with 4B Components.

Business Briefs

By Ethanol Producer Magazine Staff

BIOMASS SYSTEM SPECIALIST: Mike LaGoe joins Vecoplan as a project engineer/manager.

Business Briefs

By Staff

Advanced BiofuelsBiogasPowerThermal

Business Briefs

By Biorefining Magazine Staff


Getting Better

By Kris Bevill

A conversation with the U.S. DOE's Jonathan Silver, head of loan programs

E15 is getting most of the attention, but is it the best way to expand ethanol's market share?

Ethanol producers who don't relentlessly focus on yield may be leaving precious revenue on the table

Despite a decline in its paper product sector, Wisconsin holds the reins to an industry that shows enormous potential for cofiring with fossil fuels: pellets made from industrial paper waste.

Cofiring torrefied biomass with coal seems like a great way to reduce emissions, but is it economical?

Biomass Power & Thermal investigates potential technical and safety issues involved in storing and handling biomass at cofired power plants.

While cofiring woody biomass with coal is more common on a testing scale than commercial, most issues related to co-combustion within the boiler can be alleviated with proper fuel sizing and blending.

Undefined mixed cultures traditionally used to produce methane through anaerobic digestion show potential for creating higher-value carboxylates

Bond financing is here—and all signs point to a perfect match

Industry leaders take the stage at the International Biomass Conference to discuss policy objectives and collaboration opportunities

FEEDSTOCK CONSTRAINTS:  Kasiviswanath Muthukumarappan, right, a professor at South Dakota State University, says the biodiesel work going on in India and China isn’t much in comparison to the U.S., Europe or Latin America, mainly because of feedsto

Developing India

By Luke Geiver

A researcher and a producer explain what it will take

A recap of regional biodiesel developments and a look ahead

A Whole New World

By Erin Voegele

The European biodiesel sector faces unique challenges

The nation's first biodiesel-powered school bus has made its last run


Study recalculates water consumption with expanded system boundaries and coproduct credit

Harvesting Both Corn Grain and Stover in Adverse Weather

By Cole Gustafson, Thein Maung and David Ripplinger

NDSU quantifies the cost and time involved in corn stover collection

Strong tax incentives, a highly trained workforce, ample forestry materials and government investment in research and development make Ontario a great location for biomass power development.

A technique based on carbon dating will soon be used in the U.K. to determine the proportion of energy from waste that is renewable.

Understanding customs and laws is critical to opening business overseas

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