While a few ethanol producers have already taken advantage of the 45Q tax credit, the policy precludes full industry participation. Fortunately, a new blueprint from the Carbon Capture Coalition lays out recommendations from lessons learned.
By Lisa Gibson
Water treatment strategies are evolving quickly, marrying digital offerings with chemistries, promoting environmentally sound practices and optimizing plant performance. These integrated programs are leading to new efficiencies and greater control.
By Michail Karavolos
Compared to virginiamycin-based antibiotic in a recent study, the industry's top natural antimicrobial alternative showed a clear overall benefit. The hop extract increased the opportunity for a favorable yeast growth environment and improved yield.
By Tom Bryan
In the heart of ethanol country, Water Engineering Inc. is putting producer relationships, service and process knowledge first. When product is needed, ethanol producers turn to the Omaha-based chemical provider for a variety of solutions.