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301 20th Ave SE
Watertown, 57201
Glacial Lakes Corn Processors (GLCP), was formed in May 2001 as a South Dakota Cooperative comprised of over 4,100 shareholders. GLCP owns 100% of two ethanol production plants. Glacial Lakes Energy - Watertown an original 40 million gallons per year (mgy) nameplate ethanol production facility, became operational in August 2002. In 2007, the facility was expanded and currently produces 120+ mgy of ethanol per year. In 2016, GLE Watertown added new storage and unit train shipping facility. Glacial Lakes Energy - Mina became operational in June 2008 as a 120+ mgy ethanol production facility located near Mina, SD. In December 2019, Glacial Lakes Energy purchased two additional ethanol production facilities located in Aberdeen and Huron, SD. The Aberdeen plant, which originally began operation in 2008, currently produces about 49.0 million gallons per year; it includes unit train shipping capabilities. The Huron plant, which began operation in 1998 and was retro-fitted in 2006, currently produces about 33.0 million gallons per year. GLE also holds a 15% investment in Granite Falls Energy a 60+ mgy facility near Granite Falls, MN and an 8% ownership in Redfield Energy, LLC, a 50+ mgy production facility located near Redfield, SD. GLE has returned almost $218+ Million Dollars in dividends to our Shareholders since inception. GLE is governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by shareholders from the districts they reside in. Combined, Glacial Lakes Energy… Purchases 125+ million bushels of corn per year Produces 350+ million gallons of renewable ethanol per year Produces 1 million tons of feed products/distillers grains per year Produces 94 million pounds of corn oil Employs approximately 175 team members