August 21, 2020
BY Aemetis Inc.
Advanced waste heat integrated heat pump application reduces distillation and slurry steam use by over 80%.
Verity Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of Gevo Inc., and Landus have announced a new agreement aimed at unlocking added value for farmers through sustainability premiums via export markets.
Brazil produced a record 36.83 billion liters (9.73 billion gallons) of ethanol in 2024, up 4.4% when compared to the previous year, according to data released by UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association.
Summit Carbon Solutions and Infinium, a leading electrofuels (eFuels) producer, have entered an arrangement for the supply of up to 670,000 metric tons of CO2 annually at a proposed eFuels facility in North Dakota or South Dakota.
According to new statistical reports released by the RFA, the value of the U.S. ethanol industry’s exports rose to a peak of $7.5 billion in 2024, fueled by a record 1.91 billion gallons of ethanol exported in 2024.