April 22, 2021
BY Aemetis Inc.
In December, USGC Regional Ethanol Manager for the European Union, United Kingdom and Canada Stephanie Larson was in Calgary, Alberta in Canada to meet with leading fuel refiners and blenders to discuss their biofuel integration plans.
Comstock Inc. on Jan. 30 announced the execution of definitive agreements between Comstock Fuels Corp. and SACL Pte. Limited, a Singapore-based renewable fuel project developer, related to projects in Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam and Malaysia.
The March issue of Ethanol Producer Magazine focuses on low-carbon feedstock production, plant improvement projects, and New Energy Blue's cellulosic project.
Ginkgo Bioworks on Jan. 23 announced that Ginkgo Automation will design and deploy a flexible, anaerobic-enabled laboratory automation system for the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, a U.S. DOE-funded facility at UW–Madison.
Scoular is the new formalized supplier of grain and logistics to Mid America Agri Products/Wheatland’s ethanol plant in southwestern Nebraska. Scoular operates an extensive origination network in western Nebraska.