U.S. Energy Information Administration
December 5, 2012
BY Erin Voegele
Recently, the USGC escorted a group of key ethanol industry stakeholders from Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on a tour of U.S. ethanol facilities to advance biofuel exports to Africa and the Middle East.
U.S. fuel ethanol production was up 4% the week ending Sept. 6, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Sept. 11. Stocks of fuel ethanol were up nearly 2% and exports were up 95%.
Agricultural Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the release of a SAF Grand Challenge fact sheet on Sept. 11 at the North American SAF Conference & Expo. The DOE also opened a $12 million funding opportunity to support integrated biorefineries.
This 2024 October issue of Ethanol Producer Magazine delivers an eclectic mix of content with features on new markets and lower-CI farming bookended by articles about plant data—and, for good measure, a piece on measuring in-situ corn fiber ethanol.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Sept. 10 explained USDA’s work to support guidance for the 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit and candidly discussed the possible repercussions of efforts to limit the credit to domestically produced feedstocks.