ORISE post-doctoral researcher Maulik Patel prepares for yeast for corn mash fermentation experiment. (Photo courtesy of Moses Martinez, ARS) / SOURCE: USDA ARS
August 27, 2024
BY USDA Agricultural Research Service
New research at Iowa State University shows that using advanced planting techniques can triple the amount of biomass produced by the perennial, bioenergy crop miscanthus in its establishment year.
Breakthrough research seeks to better pinpoint and predict corn trait performance, while new hybrids enhance inherent sustainability, reduce yield loss and improve accessibility.
A recent study presents exciting breakthroughs in bioengineering cyanobacteria for ethanol production. Utilizing genetic and metabolic modifications, the researchers achieved significant improvements in ethanol yields.
Using technology developed by researchers working with ORNL’s Center for Bioenergy and Dartmouth College, Terragia Biofuel is targeting commercial biofuel production, including ethanol, from lignocellulose.
Growth Energy recently worked with the Energy Futures Initiative Foundation, led by former U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest J. Moniz, on new research detailing pathways to further decarbonize bioethanol.