August 24, 2023
BY Minnesota Department of Agriculture
The USDA on Jan. 10 awarded $60 million in Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program grants. The funding supports 70 projects in 24 states that aim to increase consumer access to higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel.
The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA) announced it has invested nearly $3.4 million in projects that increase the distribution and use of higher blends of ethanol and biodiesel in the State of Missouri.
Minnesota now has over 500 stations that offer Unleaded 88, providing consumers across the state with more options to save at the pump and reduce air emissions, according to the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association.
Ethanol groups are expressing disappointment in the updated short-term funding bill currently under consideration by congress, which has been stripped of language that would have allowed year-round E15 sales nationwide.
Recent nationwide polling conducted by Morning Consult for the RFA shows that 69 percent of registered voters support increasing the availability of E15 to help lower fuel prices and support energy independence.