June 7, 2013
BY Nebraska Ethanol Board, Nebraska Corn Board
U.S. Grains Council Regional Ethanol Manager for the EU, United Kingdom and Canada Stephanie Larson traveled to Brussels, Belgium, recently to participate in the World Ethanol and Biofuels Conference.
As of mid-October, ACE’s Hybrid Electric Flex Fuel (HEFF) demonstration project had travelled 40,007 miles using flex fuel averaging 71.4% ethanol over the life of the demonstration project.
The U.S. exported 143.47 million gallons of ethanol and 1.11 million metric tons of distillers grains in October, according to data released by the USDA on Dec. 5. Exports of both products were up when compared to the same month of 2023.
California Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones, R-San Deigo, on Dec. 2 introduced a bill that aims to repeal the Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulations approved by the California Air Resources Board on Nov. 8.
The RFA has announced the addition of two innovative leaders, Edeniq, Inc. and incite.ag, to its growing network of associate members. These forward-thinking companies bring cutting-edge expertise in biotechnology and agriculture.