Agricultural and consumer economics professor Madhu Khanna (left), civil and environmental engineering professor Jeremy Guest, and crop sciences professor DoKyoung Lee. Photo by Michelle Hassel. / SOURCE: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
July 26, 2024
BY University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Verity Holdings LLC, a subsidiary of Gevo Inc., and Landus have announced a new agreement aimed at unlocking added value for farmers through sustainability premiums via export markets.
New markets, export opportunities and policy changes are all things that will help build demand, said IRFA Executive Director Monte Shaw at the Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit. The nearest term demand driver should be year-round E15, he added.
The U.K. Department for Transport has announced it will invest £63 million over the next year under its Advanced Fuels Fund to support SAF producers. The agency also issued a response to its consultation on a revenue certainty mechanism for SAF.
The International Air Transport Association on Jan. 31 released its methodology for accounting and reporting the emissions reduction associated with the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by airlines.
Blue Biofuels has signed an agreement to acquire 35.5 acres of land in Frostproof, Florida. The company plans to develop a 3 MMgy facility on the site. Planned expansion projects would boost capacity to 100 MMgy of cellulosic ethanol and SAF.