June 24, 2013
BY Erin Voegele
The California Air Resources Board has approved point-of-origin feedstock tracking requirements for crop-based biofuels, adding appeal to emerging traceability technologies and programs.
Mycotoxin testing offers producers the necessary details on contamination levels in the corn entering the plant and the DDGS leaving it.
PyroGenesis Inc. has announced that its subsidiary, Pyro Green-Gas Inc., has signed a $1.1 million second contract with the Varennes Carbon Recycling plant, a large biofuel production project currently under construction in Varennes, Quebec.
On Feb. 6, the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association sent a letter signed by 2025 Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit attendees to U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson and U.S. Senate Majority Leader John Thune, calling for an immediate fix for year-round E15.
A new instrument from CFR Engines Inc. helps ethanol producers detect water contamination and determine fuel quality.