Scientists at Neogen/Megazyme collaborated with NREL to develop analyses that would accurately measure the amount of cellulosic ethanol produced when utilizing an in-situ process. / PHOTO: NEOGEN
September 2, 2024
BY David Mangan and Matt Nichols
Growth Energy on Jan. 21 submitted a comment to the U.S. EPA urging the agency not to proceed with a proposal to partially waive the 2024 cellulosic biofuel volume requirement under the Renewable Fuel Standard.
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) on Jan. 8 announced it has approved R$1 billion ($165.48 million) in financing to support an 82 MMly (21.66 MMgy) cellulosic ethanol project under development by Raizen Energia S/A in Andradina, Sao Paulo.
The U.S. DOE and the U.S. EPA on Jan. 8 awarded $6 million to three companies that are working to scale up innovative biofuel production technologies, including those focused on SAF and cellulosic ethanol.
During a hearing held on Dec. 20, Growth Energy urged the U.S. EPA not to retroactively reduce renewable volume obligations (RVOs) for cellulosic biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard for compliance year 2024.
The U.S. EPA on Dec. 19 released data showing that 2.03 billion RINs were generated under the RFS in November, up from 2.01 billion generated during the same month of 2023. Nearly 22.9 billion RINs were generated during the first 11 months of 2024.