
May 2016

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Business Briefs


Business Briefs

By Erin Voegele


Business Briefs

By Erin Voegele


Bernie Hoffman

Carbon Intensity Creates Opportunities

By Bernie Hoffman



How do low-oil, low-fiber, high-protein coproducts successfully find their best markets? This article appears n the May issue of EPM.

Biodiesel tanks are popping up in the tank farms at some ethanol plants these days. This article first appeared in the May issue of EPM.

The FEW, sponsored by Ethanol Producer Magazine and produced by BBI International, will be held in the Wisconsin Center in downtown Milwaukee June 20-23. Nearly 25 percent of the 2,000 expected attendees will be ethanol producers.

Nebraska's Laurel Biocomposite produces biomaterials for thermoset applications. This article appears in the May issue of EPM.

Two companies gain traction in the quest to produce high-protein feed products from ethanol coproducts. This article appears in the May issue of EPM.

Near Manchester, United Kingdom, Dong Energy is constructing the first biogas plant using its REnescience technology that treats unsorted household waste with enzymes.

Three forms of wood waste got the green light under the U.S. EPA's nonhazardous secondary materials rule, but the amended regulation's impact appears narrow.


Altered, novel products may require new AAFCO definitions, GRAS affirmations. This article appears in the May issue of EPM.

Process expands potential ethanol capacity by shortening fermentation.

Biodiesel proves to be a major, and growing, market for distillers corn oil. This story first appeared in the May issue of EPM.

Increasing biofuel demand will require next-generation laboratory software solutions.

Forest2Market data disproves claims regarding the wood pellet export industry and its impacts on forest inventory and fiber prices.

Built in 1974, Quebec’s energy-from-waste facility was designed to incinerate the city’s municipal garbage at a rate of 280,000 tons per year, and generate $10 million annually by selling steam to a nearby pulp and paper plant.

Out With the Old

By Linda Graham

The city of Quebec has achieved major cost savings by replacing its 34-year-old cranes with modern, automated versions.


Biomass heating installations in northern Vermont are far from sparse.

Hurst Boiler is equipped with the knowledge, technology and drive to expand global waste-to-energy applications.

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