L. Brian Stauffer
December 4, 2014
BY University of Illinois
This 2024 October issue of Ethanol Producer Magazine delivers an eclectic mix of content with features on new markets and lower-CI farming bookended by articles about plant data—and, for good measure, a piece on measuring in-situ corn fiber ethanol.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Sept. 10 explained USDA’s work to support guidance for the 45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit and candidly discussed the possible repercussions of efforts to limit the credit to domestically produced feedstocks.
Elected officials are adopting decarbonization policies. To future-proof our industry, steps must be taken to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The Bioenergy Knowledge Discovery Framework is the nation’s premier source of information on biomass potential, providing high-quality data that can guide investments in support of a robust bioeconomy for sustainable, low-carbon energy sources.
UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has released data showing sugarcane processing was down during the first half of August. The production of corn ethanol continued to grow, and overall ethanol sales were up for the two-week period.