QUT Marketing & Communication/Erika Fish
May 6, 2016
BY Queensland University of Technology
UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has announced sugarcane processing was down significantly during the second half of December. Ethanol production was down only slightly due to high levels of corn ethanol production.
Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., and a bipartisan groups of colleagues on Jan. 16 reintroduced the Farm to Fly Act, a bill that aims to accelerate the production and development of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
The USGC was awarded a second round of funding from the USDA under its Regional Agriculture Promotion Program. The award will disperse $16 million to the USGC for use in developing markets for U.S. agricultural exports.
Green Plains Inc. on Jan. 16 announced that key milestones for the “Advantage Nebraska” carbon strategy have been met. The project, which will sequester CO2 from three of the company’s ethanol plants, remains on track to be operational in 2025.
The USDA on Jan. 15 published an interim rule that establishes guidelines for quantifying, reporting and verifying GHG emissions associated with the production of biofuel feedstock commodity crops grown in the U.S.