This flow chart depicts sustainable aviation fuel production, beginning with collecting logging residue, processing, and transporting the fuel to the airport. (Graphic first published in Elsevier) / SOURCE: University of Georgia
August 6, 2024
BY University of Georgia
New deep-dive videos about the U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office's 2023 Billion-Ton Report (BT23) are now available to help users access and apply the report findings and associated online data resources.
UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has announced that sugarcane processing was down during the first half of November. Ethanol production was also down for the two-week period, but ethanol sales were up.
The ABFA is urging the Biden administration to immediately issue the guidance necessary for the industry to claim the 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit. The group is also calling on Congress to extend the existing blender credits.
Breakthrough research seeks to better pinpoint and predict corn trait performance, while new hybrids enhance inherent sustainability, reduce yield loss and improve accessibility.
Alcohol-to-jet hopefuls are buying up both healthy and shuttered ethanol plants, drawing up their business blueprints while state and federal funding mechanisms expand to allow for the SAF sector's rise.