
October 2014

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Business Briefs



 Ron Lamberty

Ethanol Slashes GHG Emissions

By Bliss Baker



What was once only a dream has become a reality with the grand opening ceremony of Project Liberty.

Many dedicated energy crops hold promise as feedstocks for next-generation ethanol. Extensive R&D is still needed, however, to overcome the challenges in making these plants viable for commercial applications.

The idea of wet biomass storage has yet to catch on in the cellulosic industry, despite long-term use in the pulp and paper industry.

Densification reduces transportation cost, improves storability and could open new markets. Are pellets the future for corn stover?

Although corn stover offers a second valuable crop from the same acres, there's a whole lot more to the equation than simply removing it from the soil.

Slowly but surely and not without hurdles, renewable, compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas infrastructure is expanding in the U.S.

Excited by the new market the pellet sector offers for low value fiber, forest landowners work to assure pellet buyers of existing sustainable practices.


Carbon Green BioEnergy's Mitch Miller details a plant turnaround effort. The company purchased a mothballed plant in Lake Odessa, Michigan, and brought it back online.

Ethanol producers need to learn their corn oil destination by working with marketers.

Fish and Wildlife Agencies can play a role in successful biomass production for bioenergy.


Sustainability is symbiotic when it comes to biomass power plant Eagle Valley Clean Energy and the fuel it uses.

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